Sunday, November 23, 2014

Here Comes The Bride...

You have heard the saying, “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.”  That sums it up for me.  Although I have never even been a bridesmaid either and if I’m being honest, I’m not too upset about that;  have you seen some of those hideous bridesmaid’s dresses?  Seriously though, for a woman at my age (I know I’m only in my late 30’s, but still I’m no spring chicken in the single world), it seems as if I will never get the blessing of being a bride.  While I may never walk down the aisle on this earth, I do have the promise of being the bride of Christ.  I’m certain He won’t leave me standing at the altar.  His promises are true and His love is everlasting.  I could never find that here on earth.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.  Proverbs 31:10 KJV

Other than my father, I don’t know of another man here on this earth who would value me more than rubies.  However, I do know as His bride, Christ values us that much and more.  He can offer us so much more than any man here on earth ever could.  Ladies, He promises you a mansion, streets of gold, pearly gates and the list goes on and on.  Doesn’t that sound so much better than an earthly diamond ring? Oh, and as an added bonus;  I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that says He will be in control of the television remote and force you to watch Monday Night Football!  Ladies, can I get an AMEN?  (Fellas, if you are reading this and one of you might possibly be my future earthly husband, then I’m only joking.  The remote is yours, but can we compromise and watch a chick flick during the offseason?)

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. Proverbs 18:22 KJV

Ladies, whether you are young, old, or somewhere in between, while you are preparing for your Heavenly wedding continue to be the good thing that God made you to be here on earth.  It is hard to resist when a man makes promises and shows you attention.  However, a man should respect you and your temple and if he cannot do that, then he isn’t the right man for you.  He would only want for you what God, Himself would want for you.  Don’t give yourself away for the temporary love or things of this world.  Focus on Heavenly things and the eternal love of Christ.  Above all, don’t leave the only Groom that truly matters standing at the altar. 

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.  Revelation 19:7 KJV

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